Our Memory Training Courses is available in Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne, Bern, Winterthur, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Lugano, Biel/Bienne, Thun, Köniz, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Schaffhausen, Fribourg, Vernier, Chur, Neuchâtel, Uster, Sion, Emmen, Zug, Yverdon-les-Bains, Dübendorf, Dietikon, Montreux, Frauenfeld, Kreuzlingen, Rapperswil-Jona, Carouge, Interlaken, Zermatt, Grindelwald, Davos, Engelberg, Locarno, Vevey, Wengen, St. Moritz, Lauterbrunnen, Gstaad, Appenzell, Andermatt, Bellinzona.

Dear esteemed senior citizens of Switzerland, welcome to our “Customized Memory Enrichment” program! Over the next two full days, we embark on a personalized journey dedicated to enriching and enhancing your memory function. This program has been meticulously designed to meet your individual needs and preferences, providing tailored solutions to address your specific memory challenges and goals. Through a combination of personalized assessments, one-on-one consultations, and customized memory enhancement activities, we aim to empower you to unlock your memory potential and enjoy a fulfilling and mentally stimulating life. Join us as we embark together on this personalized journey toward memory enrichment and revitalization!


  1. Tailor a specialized two-day memory training program to meet the unique needs and preferences of senior citizens in Switzerland, offering customized memory enrichment solutions.

  2. Conduct individual assessments prior to the training to identify each participant’s specific memory challenges, strengths, and goals, allowing for personalized instruction and support.

  3. Develop a flexible curriculum that can be adapted to address a wide range of memory-related concerns, including forgetfulness, name recall, and information retention.

  4. Offer personalized coaching and guidance throughout the two days, providing tailored strategies and techniques to help participants overcome their individual memory obstacles.

  5. Integrate a variety of memory enhancement activities and exercises based on participants’ interests and preferences, ensuring engagement and relevance to their daily lives.

  6. Provide opportunities for one-on-one consultations with memory experts, allowing participants to receive personalized feedback and guidance on improving their memory function.

  7. Foster a supportive and collaborative learning environment where participants can share experiences, insights, and strategies for memory improvement, promoting camaraderie and mutual support.

  8. Incorporate brain-healthy lifestyle practices into the training, including nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and social engagement, to promote holistic cognitive enrichment and overall well-being.

  9. Integrate mindfulness and relaxation techniques into the session to help seniors manage stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact memory function, and promote mental wellness.

  10. Empower participants to take an active role in their memory health by providing resources and follow-up materials for continued practice and development of memory skills beyond the two-day session.

  11. Conduct pre- and post-training assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of the customized memory enrichment program, measuring improvements in memory performance and gathering feedback for continuous improvement and refinement.

  12. Offer ongoing support and follow-up resources to participants, ensuring continued guidance and reinforcement of memory enhancement techniques in their daily lives.

  13. Create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere throughout the two-day customized session, fostering motivation and enthusiasm for memory improvement among participants.

  14. Encourage participants to set personalized goals for memory enrichment and provide tools and strategies to help them track their progress and stay motivated.

  15. Provide opportunities for socialization and connection throughout the two days, recognizing the importance of social engagement in promoting cognitive health and well-being among seniors.

  16. Conclude the customized memory enrichment program with a celebration of achievements and a commitment to continued memory wellness, inspiring participants to maintain their newfound memory vitality in their daily lives.

As we conclude our “Customized Memory Enrichment” program, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your participation and engagement over the past two days. It has been a privilege to embark on this personalized journey with each of you, tailored to meet your unique memory needs and preferences. Throughout our time together, we have explored customized solutions and strategies to address your specific memory challenges, empowering you to unlock your memory potential and enhance your cognitive abilities. Remember, the journey to improved memory is ongoing, and we encourage you to continue practicing and incorporating the techniques learned into your daily routines. Thank you for entrusting us with your memory enrichment journey, and we wish you continued success in your pursuit of cognitive vitality and well-being.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Duration: 2 Days
Fees: USD$734.54
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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